The Best Way to Combine Two WordPress Sites Without Losing SEO

The Best Way to Combine Two WordPress Sites Without Losing SEO

Have you ever wondered how to merge two WordPress websites without losing all the hard-earned SEO (search engine optimization) benefits? Well, you're not alone! Many website owners face this dilemma when they want to combine two separate WordPress sites into one unified platform. It's similar to attempting to combine two puzzle pieces without breaking any crucial bits in the process. But do not worry—there is a simple and effective way to accomplish it.

Imagine you have two thriving WordPress websites, each with its own unique content, followers, and search engine ranking. Now, you want to bring them together to create a stronger online presence. However, the thought of losing all the SEO progress you've made on both sites can be scary. After all, SEO is like the secret ingredient that helps your website rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attracts more organic traffic.

Luckily, there are strategies and techniques available that can help you merge your WordPress sites while preserving your SEO efforts. It's all about careful planning, attention to detail, and using the right tools and plugins. Think of it as a bridge between technology and strategy, where every move is calculated to ensure a seamless transition without any negative impact on your search engine visibility.

In this guide, we'll explore the best practices for combining two WordPress sites without sacrificing your hard-earned SEO rankings. We'll cover everything from setting up proper redirects and consolidating content to managing domain changes and informing search engines about the site merge. So, get ready, let's dive into the world of merging WordPress sites while keeping your SEO intact!

Pre-Merging Preparation: Pre-merging preparation is like laying the foundation before building a house—it's essential for a smooth and successful merging process.

In the context of combining two WordPress sites without losing SEO, pre-merging preparation involves several key steps:

  • Assessment of Existing Websites: Before you begin the merging process, it's crucial to conduct a thorough assessment of both WordPress sites. This includes analysing the content, structure, and SEO performance of each site. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each site to develop a clear strategy for the merge.
  • Content Audit and Consolidation: Take inventory of the content on both websites and determine which pages, posts, and media assets are valuable and should be retained. Duplicate or outdated content should be identified and either updated, redirected, or removed. Consolidating similar or related content from both sites can help streamline the merged website and improve user experience.
  • URL Mapping and Redirect Planning: URLs are like signs that guide users and search engines to your content. During pre-merging preparation, create a comprehensive URL mapping plan that outlines how URLs from the old sites will be redirected to corresponding pages on the new merged site. Implementing 301 redirects ensures that both users and search engines are seamlessly redirected to the correct pages, preserving SEO equity and preventing broken links.

URL redirects are instructions that direct web traffic from one URL to another. They are crucial for website maintenance, rebranding, and SEO optimization.

Here are some common types of URL redirects:

  • 301 Redirect: This is a permanent redirect status code indicating that a web page has permanently moved to a new location. It is the most commonly used redirect for SEO purposes because it transfers the ranking power of the old URL to the new one. 301 redirects are typically used when a webpage is permanently moved or deleted.
  • 302 Redirect: This is a temporary redirect status code indicating that a web page has temporarily moved to a new location. Unlike 301 redirects, 302 redirects do not transfer the ranking power of the old URL to the new one. They are used for short-term changes or testing purposes.
  • Meta Refresh Redirect: This is a type of redirect that is implemented within the HTML code of a webpage using the <meta> tag. It automatically redirects visitors to a new URL after a specified time interval. Meta refresh redirects are less commonly used and can have implications for SEO if not implemented correctly.
  • Canonical Redirect: Canonical redirects are used to resolve duplicate content issues by specifying the preferred URL version of a webpage. When multiple URLs point to the same content, a canonical redirect ensures that search engines index the preferred URL and consolidate ranking signals.
  • Wildcard Redirect: A wildcard redirect is a type of redirect that matches a pattern of URLs and redirects them to a single destination URL. This can be useful for redirecting multiple pages or URLs with similar structures.

Implementing URL redirects correctly is essential for maintaining website functionality, preserving SEO equity, and ensuring a positive user experience. It's important to carefully plan and manage redirects, monitor their effectiveness, and update them as needed to reflect changes in website structure or content.

  • Keyword Research and Optimization: Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO, and it's essential to ensure that the merged website targets relevant keywords and search queries. Conduct keyword research to identify high-performing keywords and optimize the content of the new site accordingly. Incorporate targeted keywords into page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content to improve visibility and rankings in search results.
  • Backup and Security Measures: Before merging the websites, it's essential to create backups of both sites to safeguard against data loss or unforeseen issues during the merging process. Additionally, implement security measures such as updating plugins, themes, and WordPress core to ensure the security and integrity of the merged website.

By diligently preparing for the merging process, you can minimize potential risks and ensure a smooth transition while preserving the SEO value of your WordPress sites. Pre-merging preparation sets the stage for a successful merge and lays the groundwork for long-term success

Social Media Sharing Plugins: Social media sharing plugins are tools designed to facilitate the sharing of website content on various social media platforms. These plugins typically add social sharing buttons to web pages, allowing visitors to easily share content with their social networks with just the click of a button.

The primary purpose of social media sharing plugins is to increase the visibility and reach of website content by leveraging the power of social networks. When visitors share content from a website on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram, it can lead to increased exposure, traffic, and engagement.

Social media sharing plugins often offer features such as:

  • Customizable Share Buttons: Users can customize the appearance, size, colour, and placement of social sharing buttons to match their website's design and branding.
  • Multiple Social Networks: Support for a wide range of social media platforms, allowing visitors to share content on their preferred networks.
  • Share Counters: Display the number of shares or likes for each piece of content, providing social proof and encouraging further sharing.
  • Analytics and Insights: Some plugins offer analytics and insights to track social sharing activity, monitor trends, and measure the impact of social media on website traffic.
  • Mobile responsiveness: ensuring that social sharing buttons are optimized for mobile devices, allowing visitors to share content easily on smartphones and tablets.

Here are a few popular social media media-sharing sharing plugins for WordPress:

Social Warfare: Social Warfare is a comprehensive social sharing plugin that offers customizable share buttons, social proof, and shareable quotes. It provides options to display share counts, customize button styles, and control where the buttons appear on your site. Social Warfare also includes Pinterest-specific features like custom pin descriptions and hidden Pinterest images.

This plugin is ideal for website owners who want full control over the appearance and functionality of their social sharing buttons. It's particularly useful for bloggers and content creators who rely on social media to drive traffic to their websites.

Add To Any Share Buttons: is a lightweight and versatile social sharing plugin that supports over 100 social media platforms. It offers customizable share buttons with various shapes, sizes, and styles. AddToAny also includes built-in analytics to track social sharing activity and performance. This plugin is suitable for website owners who want a simple and user-friendly solution for adding social sharing buttons to their site. It's a popular choice for bloggers, businesses, and publishers looking to increase social engagement and expand their online reach.

Monarch by Elegant Themes: Monarch is a feature-rich social sharing plugin that offers a wide range of customization options. It includes various button styles, placement options, and triggers for displaying share buttons. Monarch also provides detailed statistics and insights to track social sharing activity and measure the impact of social media on website traffic.

This plugin is well-suited for users of Elegant Themes products, such as the Divi theme, but it can also be used with any WordPress theme. Monarch is ideal for website owners who want advanced social sharing features combined with elegant design options.

ShareThis: Share This is a robust social sharing plugin that supports multiple sharing options, including social networks, messaging apps, and email. It offers customizable share buttons with various designs and sizes. Share This also provides insights and analytics to track social sharing trends and audience engagement.

This plugin is suitable for website owners who want a versatile and data-driven solution for social sharing. It's particularly useful for businesses and e-commerce websites looking to encourage social sharing and increase referral traffic.
These social media sharing plugins offer a range of features and customization options to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you're a blogger, business owner, or content creator, there's a social sharing plugin available to help you amplify your content and engage with your audience on social media.

XML Sitemap and Robots.txt

XML Sitemap: XML Sitemaps are written in XML (Extensible Markup Language), a structured format that search engines understand. They typically follow the Sitemaps protocol, which defines the structure and elements of the XML file.


  • Ensures that search engines discover and index all relevant pages on the website.
  • Provides additional information to search engines about the importance and freshness of each page.


  • Purpose: The robots.txt file is a text file that tells search engine crawlers which pages or sections of a website they are allowed or not allowed to crawl and index. It's used to control search engine access to certain parts of the website.
  • Format: The robots.txt file is a plain text file that resides in the root directory of a website. It contains directives (instructions) for search engine crawlers, such as "Disallow" to prevent crawling of specific URLs or directories and "Allow" to override disallow rules.


  • Prevents search engines from indexing sensitive or irrelevant parts of the website, such as admin pages, login pages, or duplicate content.
  • Improves crawl efficiency by guiding search engine crawlers to focus on important pages and avoid wasting resources on non-essential pages.
  • It helps maintain website security and privacy by restricting access to sensitive areas.

Both XML sitemaps and robots.txt files play important roles in managing how search engines interact with and index a website. By properly configuring and maintaining these files, website owners can improve their site's visibility, accessibility, and overall, SEO performance.

Metadata and structured data:
Metadata and structured data are two important concepts in web development and search engine optimization (SEO) that help provide context and additional information about web content to search engines.

Here's an overview of each:

Metadata: Metadata refers to descriptive information about a webpage that is not visible to users but is embedded in the HTML code. It provides details such as the page title, description, author, language, and keywords, which help search engines understand the content and context of the page.

Types of Metadata:

  • Title Tag: The title tag is an HTML element that defines the title of a webpage. It appears in the browser's title bar and is displayed as a clickable link in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Meta Description: The meta description offers a short overview of the webpage's content. It frequently appears in SERPs beneath the title and has an impact on click-through rates.
  • Meta Keywords: While not as influential as they once were, meta keywords are a list of keywords or phrases that describe the content of the webpage.
  • Meta Robots: The meta robots tag tells search engine crawlers whether to index a page, follow links on the page, or both.
  • Canonical Tag: The canonical tag specifies the preferred URL version of a webpage to prevent duplicate content issues.
  • Importance: Metadata plays a crucial role in SEO by providing search engines with relevant information about web pages. Optimizing metadata can improve a webpage's visibility, click-through rates, and overall search engine rankings.

Structured Data:
Structured data is a standardized format for providing additional information about web content in a way that search engines can understand. It uses vocabulary to mark up content with specific attributes and properties.

Types of Structured Data:

  • JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a popular format for embedding structured data directly into HTML documents using JavaScript.
  • Microdata: Microdata is an HTML5 specification that allows developers to add semantic annotations to HTML elements using specific attributes.
  • RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes) is another method for embedding structured data into HTML documents using attributes within HTML tags.

Benefits: Structured data helps search engines better understand the content and context of webpages, which can lead to enhanced search engine features such as rich snippets, knowledge graph entries, and other rich results. It can also improve the visibility and relevance of web content in search engine results.

Both metadata and structured data are essential components of on-page SEO strategies, helping to provide search engines with the necessary information to accurately index and display web content in search results. By optimizing metadata and incorporating structured data markup, website owners can improve their site's visibility, click-through rates, and overall search engine rankings.

Internal Linking:
The process of connecting one page on a website to another within the same website is known as internal linking. These links are typically created using anchor text, which is the clickable text that users see. Internal linking serves several purposes and offers various benefits for website owners.

Here's a breakdown:

  • Navigation: Internal links help users navigate a website more easily by providing pathways to related or relevant content. By strategically placing internal links within the content, website owners can guide visitors to other pages they may find interesting or useful.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Internal linking plays a crucial role in SEO by helping search engines discover, crawl, and index pages within a website. When search engine bots encounter internal links, they follow these links to explore and understand the site's structure and content. This can lead to better search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Content Hierarchy and Organization: Internal linking helps establish a hierarchy and organization within a website's content. By linking from high-authority pages to lower-level pages, website owners can distribute link equity (also known as page rank) throughout the site, helping to improve the visibility and ranking potential of all pages.
  • Contextual Relevance: Internal links provide context and relevance by connecting related topics or themes across different pages of a website. When users encounter internal links within content, they are more likely to engage with them if they are interested in learning more about the topic.
  • Reduced Bounce Rate: Strategic internal linking can help reduce bounce rates by encouraging users to explore multiple pages within a website. By providing additional resources or related content, website owners can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to spend more time on the site.

Performance Optimization:
Performance optimization involves optimizing various aspects of a website to improve its speed, load times, and overall performance. This includes optimizing images and multimedia content, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, leveraging browser caching, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and implementing responsive web design. Performance optimization is crucial for providing a seamless user experience, reducing bounce rates, and improving search engine rankings.

Combining two WordPress sites without losing SEO requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring. By following best practices such as pre-merging preparation, URL redirects, content consolidation, and SEO optimization, website owners can seamlessly merge their websites while preserving their SEO equity. It's essential to prioritize user experience, maintain consistency in branding and messaging, and communicate changes to search engines effectively. With proper implementation, the merged WordPress site can achieve improved search engine visibility, enhanced user engagement, and sustained SEO performance.


  • How long does it take for SEO rankings to recover after merging WordPress sites?

SEO rankings may fluctuate temporarily after merging WordPress sites, but recovery time depends on various factors such as the size of the sites, the quality of redirects, and the effectiveness of SEO optimization. Typically, rankings begin to stabilize within a few weeks to months after the merger.

  • Will I lose backlinks and domain authority when merging WordPress sites?

If implemented correctly with proper 301 redirects and content consolidation, merging WordPress sites should not result in significant loss of backlinks or domain authority. However, it's crucial to monitor backlink profiles and address any issues promptly to maintain SEO performance.

  • Should I inform search engines about the site merger?

Yes, it's essential to inform search engines about the site merge by submitting an updated XML sitemap and updating the robots.txt file to reflect changes in URL structure. Additionally, regularly monitor search console data for any crawl errors or indexing issues post-merge.

  • How can I ensure a smooth transition for users during the site merge?

To ensure a smooth transition for users, maintain consistent branding, navigation, and user experience across the merged WordPress site. Implement proper redirects for all old URLs, provide clear messaging about the site merge, and offer support resources for users encountering any issues.

  • What are some post-merge SEO maintenance tasks I should perform?

After merging WordPress sites, continue to monitor SEO performance, conduct regular site audits, and address any technical or content-related issues promptly. Monitor search engine rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement metrics to assess the effectiveness of the merge and make necessary adjustments.

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